10 ways parents can help with their children’s school success

In today’s world, ensuring a child succeeds in school is the utmost responsibility of both parents and school leaders. However, “charity begins at home” they say, which means a child’s success starts from where they were born. The background and upbringing of a child determine if that child will become successful in life or not. If you do not want to kiss goodbye to the success of your child, then read till the end of this article without delay to see how you can help your children with their school success. 

Interestingly, for a parent to help with the child’s school success, there is a need to know how parenting works especially in this digital age. Though parenting is very challenging currently the best thing to do for children right now is to ensure they succeed in their academic endeavours and other genuine ventures.

10 ways parents can help with their child’s school success

  • Send Your Child to School Ready to Learn. 
  • Talk about school. Don’t let it be boring.
  • Take attendance to classes seriously.
  • Go to Back-to-School Night and Parent-Teacher Conferences. 
  • Visit the School and Its Website regularly to stay updated. 
  • Support Homework Expectations. 
  • Teach Organizational Skills. 
  • Teach Study Skills. 
  • Know the Disciplinary Policies.
  • Get involved.

How do parents support their children’s education?

If you’ve ever wondered how you can support your child’s education, not just by putting them in a good school or paying their school fees. Do you need to know more about how you can support your child in their education? Worry no more, look at these best strategies to help achieve success for your child. 

  • Communicate openly about academic goals.
  • Be a good role model to them: Children often emulate the behaviour of their parents.
  • Celebrating achievements, both big and small: This act makes children improve their academics and continue to work hard for excellence. 
  • Acknowledging the uniqueness of each child’s abilities.
  • Volunteer at their school and go to all their Parent Teacher Conferences and special events at school.

How to improve your child’s academic performance

Most parents often go through difficulties wondering why their children perform poorly in school. Tired and need some changes. This article is here to alleviate the burden by showing you how you can improve your child’s academic performance.

  1. Hire a private home tutor for your child at Passbuttons which has qualified and professional tutors.
  2. Teach them how to embrace the struggle that comes with learning
  3. Help them stick to a daily habit of learning in an environment free of distractions.
  4. Make them research on the subject they find difficult and let them share their findings with you.
  5. Encourage them every step of the way, and when they fail, make them see reasons why they need to work hard and put in more effort.  

How to educate your child to succeed

The only people a child can listen to are his/her parents. so for a child to succeed, the parents have a crucial role to play by educating their children to succeed, giving them that word of encouragement, and commending hard work, instead of scolding them for poor performance. These tips are how you can educate your child to succeed.

  • Use everyday experiences as learning opportunities
  • Support your child academically
  • Develop a partnership with your child’s teacher and school staff
  • Help them build a positive mindset towards success
  • Teach them social skills
  • Encourage them to focus on the process, not the results, and celebrate them for their perseverance and hard work


To play a major part in your child’s success, always see that your child does the right thing. Do not forget to teach your child good morals. Always encourage and commend them for every effort they put into good work. Then you can be proud of your children because you did a good job as a good parent without stress. For more educational updates and success tips, visit the Passbuttons website. Your sure bet on getting that fully funded scholarship and job opportunities.


How can parents help their children achieve success in their studies?

Fight the frustration, get a plan, and stick to it. Set a specific “quiet time” every day for homework or general reading, and lastly, be a cheerleader.

How can parents support their children in school?

Helping with homework, and attending school functions.

How can parents help their children to be successful?

Encourage active learning such as asking and answering questions, exploring interests, and solving problems.

What is the role of parents in their child’s success?

Parents play a crucial role in shaping a child’s personality, character, habits, and emotional development.

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