Parents in the digital age | 10 things about kids and technology

Undoubtedly, technology has taken over the world and made life easy, but the question now is, what effect does it have on children? How does it affect their educational lifestyle and also their lifestyle? These are questions that need immediate answers. But before we elaborate further, you need to note that technology has made things easy for us in this digital world, what some people call “the 21st century”. It has its effects, especially on children. However, this article will show you what you need to know about your kids and technology.

In our world today, affluent and learned parents make it easy for their children to study by getting them a tablet or mobile phone, but what they don’t know is actually what the children do with these devices behind them. These devices tend to drift their attention away from their books, making them lose focus on academics. If you are caught up in this current situation, read till the end of this article to save your child from the dangers of technology in the future. 

10 things about kids and technology

There are interesting facts about kids and what technology does to them, see them below;

  1. Builds technical and problem-solving skills
  2. Developing social and basic skills
  3. Increased exposure to educational resources
  4. It enhances communication and collaboration
  5. It makes kids solve problems in innovative ways
  6. Promotes school readiness
  7. Better coordination in academic pursuits
  8. Boosts creativity
  9. Acquiring new learning opportunities
  10. Quick information exchange 

Positive Impact of the Internet on Children

Interestingly, there’s an ongoing common debate which says “Should children be exposed to technology?” To get the answers to that question, read further to determine if Yes or No.

  • Bonding and community
  • Research and critical thinking
  • Self-expression
  • Creativity and exploring interests
  • Organizational skills
  • It fosters technological literacies and skills

Negative Effects of the Internet on Child

  1. Cyberbullying 
  2. Mental health concerns 
  3. Physical health concerns
  4.  Inappropriate content 
  5.  Predators 
  6.  Damaged reputations 
  7.  Online scams 
  8. Depression risk
  9. Increased aggression  

Parenting in the Digital World

Parenting in this digital world is a challenging task, but should we give up?  That is not an option to consider for serious parents. that also means you can control how and when your children will use those devices and social media. To overcome the hurdles that come with it, these tips listed below are your sure bet in ensuring your children are on the right track in the use of technology and social media. By doing so, they won’t fall into the dangers that come with technology.

  • Be a good role model for your kids
  • Encourage playtime and set limits for their screen
  • Make them know the value of face-to-face communication
  • Make your children tech-savvy: making them know a lot about the modern world especially computers and how to learn positively from it.
  • Encourage family learning: Remember a family that plays together, learns together 
  • Don’t use technological devices (phones, computers, and tablets) as emotional blackmail or pacifiers, it only causes more harm than good.


Always remember that as you are parenting in this digital world, never overlook your child’s attitude towards the use of social media during their leisure time. I hope with all that you’ve read so far, parenting will be much easier for you now in this digital world. I hope by now exposing children to technology is not a bad idea but when they start to develop a different attitude then something is wrong and needs immediate attention. Frequently visit the website at for more tips on schools, tutors, and scholarships.


How do you parent in the digital age?

Create screen-free times and places in your home, such as meals and bedtime, have regular discussions as a family about your online activities, and talk about social media.

How is technology impacting a parent’s ability to parent their child?

It can have damaging effects on parenting, and child development thereby being distracted from their children.

How can parents control their children’s use of technology?

Set agreeable limits as to how and when they can make use of their devices both during school days and weekends.

Why can parenting children in the digital world be challenging?

 When children become overly reliant on technology for entertainment and social interactions.

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