Private Schools | Pros and Cons

It is time to enrol your precious child in kindergarten or basic classes either in private school or public school. To some parents, it feels like being between the devil and the deep blue sea. To others, it is something simple as confirmed by the factors to consider when choosing a school for your child.

Behind all these varied opinions private schools have their advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of private schools. Before then, what is a private school?

Overview of a private school

A private school in the shortest form is a school not administered, managed or funded by the government. It could be a boarding or day school, missionary or non-missionary school. It is usually owned and run by a person (sole proprietor) or a group. Another major characteristic of a private school is the payment of fees.

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10 Pros of a  private school

Many private schools possess these characteristics though not all.

  1. Parental involvement
  2. Improved safety
  3. Dedicated teachers
  4. Smaller class size
  5. Curriculum
  6. Extracurricular opportunities
  7. High academic standards
  8. A sense of community
  9. Academic excellence
  10. Enriched academic opportunities

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10 Cons of a private school

Everything in this life, whether big or small has its bad side. So these are the reasons why private schools are considered bad.

  1. Academic pressure
  2. Lack of socioeconomic diversity
  3. Limited exposure to different worldviews
  4. It is expensive: High cost of fees and continuous increment
  5. Campus Commitment: Most students stay in their school environment longer than others because of the lengths of lessons taught.
  6. Educational standards: Most schools ranked as the top schools in the country or state will try as much as possible to maintain that level of excellence, so they ensure their students do the same.
  7. Limited resources
  8. Overemphasis on networking: In this context, students fail to build relationships among their peers because of overemphasizing the importance of networking.
  9. Smaller sports and extracurricular activities: Because of the the small number of students in a class, there will be limited resources for sporting activities making the students less exposed to sports.
  10. Lack of teacher certification requirements: Not all teachers in a private school are being screened, and many teachers take a particular subject even when they are not competent enough.

Generally, because of the high reputation of most private schools, many parents assume that all private schools are the same when it comes to their learning environment and teaching skills. But they need to understand that when choosing a school for their child, there are important factors to be considered to avoid choosing the wrong school. So as a parent, ensuring your child gets the best education is a crucial role to play in your child’s life.

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Over the years, most parents have been debating if private school is better for their children or public school. After you have read this article, you can now decide which school is better for your child. However, it is up to the parents to decide if the money spent in a private school is worth it. 

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Why is private school better than public school?

Most private schools often have more opportunities for leadership and extracurricular activities, and encourage students to go above and beyond expectations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of school?

Advantages of school include structured learning and access to skill development. Disadvantages can include the potential for stress or bullying and limited individual attention.

What are the pros and cons of going to school?

The pros include more learning and networking opportunities, while the cons are High cost and Opportunity cost of time spent not working.

What are the disadvantages of paid education?

Paid higher education can lead to inequality, and it can also lead to a decline in the number of students who can access higher education.

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