How to Check National Identity Number (NIN) on Phone in 10 Seconds

How to Check National Identity Number (NIN) on Phone
On your phone, dial *346# to check your National Identity Number (NIN). Wait! It is not yet finished, there are some other things you need to do to get your NIN from your phone. That is what this page is designed to offer you.

A lot of people that registered for NIN don’t have the NIN off-hand and as such need the shortest means to retrieve the NIN with their phone. This is not a big deal as you are not required to have your NIN off-hand. If you have registered for the national ID card scheme but forgot your National Identity Number (NIN), there is now a convenient solution for you. You can easily retrieve your NIN using your mobile phone.
 NIN USSD code 346

How to Check National Identity Number (NIN) on Phone Via USSD

We are glad to inform the general public that the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) has introduced a USSD service that allows any NIN bearer to conveniently retrieve or check their National Identity Number (NIN) on their mobile device. This convenient solution ensures that you have easy access to your NIN whenever you need it. This guide is designed to show you how to access your NIN using the USSD service. Ensure to follow the guides below to securely obtain your NIN on your phone.


  • From the options displayed, select “NIN Retrieval”, by typing in ‘1’, if you are using the same phone number you enrolled with for your NIN.

NIMC USSD Service charge

How to Know if Your NIN Card is Ready

To check if your National Identity Number (NIN) card is ready, visit the National Identity Management Commission [NIMC] website-

Scroll down the homepage and click on ‘e-ID Card Status Portal’ to check if your card is ready and now available at the activation centre.

Afterwards,  fill in your first name, last name and your NIMC check tracking ID and hit the ‘check now’ icon button.


How do I get my NIN number online?

You can get your NIN number online by using the NIMC MobileID app or visiting the NIMC portal via Fill all forms in block letters and proceed to the nearest enrolment Centre for biometrics capturing in order to obtain the National Identification Number (NIN). Note: you can also pick up an enrolment form at NIMC’S ERC.

How do I find my NIN date of birth?

You will need to visit the NIMC NIN portal at to check your NIN date of birth online. It is not hard but you require an internet connection unlike checking for your NIN using the USSD code.

How can I use my BVN to check my NIN number?

This is not different from how to check your NIN using the USSD code. As long as you have a registered phone number with NIMC, you can get your NIN by dialling *346# from the phone number associated with your voter’s card, driver’s license, or BVN registration

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