5 things to do when your child says “Nobody likes me!”

Most often, parents undergo difficulties in advising their children when they say nobody likes them. why is this so when it is known that those children might be going through a lot either in school or in their surroundings?  When a child starts saying things like “nobody likes me”, it means something is wrong with the child somewhere.  This article will show things to do when your child says “Nobody likes me”.

However, there are many factors contributing to a child uttering such words. Passbuttons has helped thousands of parents with solutions to ways to handle children’s educational needs.  Want to know how to stop your child from feeling insecure, having low self-esteem, and their likes, read till the end of this article and you will be marvelled to see that you won’t be disturbed anymore by your child’s inferiority complex. Join Passbuttons now for free.

Just in: 10 ways to play a part in your child’s education as a parent

Characteristics of an unpopular child

When a child starts saying “nobody likes me”, it could mean certain things like his/her friends drifting away from him/her or probably their attitudes towards him/her. If your child has any of the characteristics listed below, then you should look for a way to change that attitude immediately;

  • anti-social
  • shy or impulsive
  • always showing a bossy attitude
  • always angry at any slight mistake
  • defiant: when a child is too proud and shows a rebellious attitude or always wants to fight
  • Always being bullied by his/her peers or seniors in school

Challenges kids face due to bully

Generally, there are challenges kids these days face as a result of bullying, either in their school or their surroundings. These constant bullies are what usually cause children to feel inferior. Parents are to always check up on their children. Ask them questions regarding their social life and observe over time. When children are bullied, they face the challenges listed below;

  1. Depression
  2. Anxiety
  3. Low self-esteem
  4. Serious emotional and mental problems
  5. inferiority complex
  6. psychological weakness

When your child shows any of the above traits, there is a serious problem but all hope is not lost. Parents in the digital age | 10 things about kids and technology

Solutions on how to tackle challenges as a result of bully

When we talk about challenges, we also talk about solutions. Check out the solutions below.

  • Making them practice mindfulness
  • Practising self-acceptance
  • Encourage self-compassion
  • Always listen without judgment
  • Please support them
  • Seek professional help
  • Making them take time off screens so they can learn to interact with people in real life
  • Letting them read social cues and body language

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5 things to do when your child says “Nobody likes me!”

  • Reminding them how much they’re loved.
  • Ask them questions to find out how they’re feeling.
  • Empathizing and validating their feelings.
  • Listen to what’s true and untrue.
  • Underscore an unconditional love and self-love.

Advice to parents whose children are unpopular

it is one thing for your child to say “Nobody likes me!” and it is another thing for your child to be bullied. I strongly advise every parent that when your child starts to feel sad, don’t ignore that feeling because the feeling tends to grow stronger. They begin to feel depressed and anxious. Always show them love as a parent and when they are wrong, correct them with love so they don’t harbour that feeling of neglect and rejection. When you apply the solutions shown above, you will see a change in your child’s behaviour and be glad you did so.

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Every parent has an important role to play in their children’s lives. Always watch your children carefully so they don’t bully others or get bullied.  I hope that as you have read till the end of this article, you are no longer confused concerning your child’s sudden behaviour of feeling inferior.  Always visit the Passbuttons website for more updates.


What to say when your child says nobody likes me?

Ask them why they feel that way, listen attentively, and assure them that there are people who still like them. Point out examples.

What to do when your child tells you they don’t like you?

Attend to their feelings and know why they said that instead of scolding them.

How do you respond when your child says they don’t love you?

Help them rephrase their words because they might mean a different thing

When your child says nobody cares about me?

Empathize with them and let them know you can relate to their problems and they will open up to you.

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