Top 10 Ways to Play a Part in Your Child’s Education as a Parent

Top 10 ways to play a part in your child’s education as a parent: Parental involvement in a child’s education is an essential part of the child’s growth and development. Children love it when their parents come around to support them in any school activity that involves them. Little acts such as taking them to school and bringing them home after school, make them feel on top of the world among other pupils.

I remember as a child not having to see my parents around me in a school activity. I’m safe to say that I know what that feels like. However, this article will discuss in detail the different ways in which parents can play a part in their children’s education. Over the years, we have discovered that children whose parents do not participate in their education seem to have low self-esteem among other challenges. For this reason, we are writing this article to encourage parents by providing them with the top 10 ways to play a part in their child’s education. We do this because:

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Previously, we discussed the top 10 mistakes to avoid when choosing a school, 20 factors to look out for when choosing a school, and lots more. However, this article will discuss in detail the top 10 effective ways to play a role in your child’s education and every other thing in between. Stay tuned!

Top 10 Ways to Play a Part in Your Child’s Education as a Parent

Parents can play a part in their child’s education in the following ways:

  1. Joining the schools’ Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
  2. Help them with their homework
  3. Read with them
  4. Attend school events
  5. Provide educational crafts and tools at  home
  6. Communicate with the teacher
  7. Create supplemental activities
  8. Help develop healthy habits
  9. Offer encouragement
  10. Listen to them and Ask questions

Now, let’s discuss them in detail.

Joining the schools’ Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

This is one of the major ways to take part in your child’s education. Moreover, the Parents Teachers Association is an organization in the school that enables the school to meet with parents and discuss matters concerning the students for good. By attending this meeting, you will be able to give your own opinion and, as such participate in the decision-making for the good of the children. Book or hire a teacher now.

Help them with their homework

Research has shown that students whose parents help with their assignments tend to perform better in classroom activities. It is very pertinent for parents to make time to help their children with their homework. Doing this will enable the parents to assess their children’s performance even at home.

Moreover, it is quite pertinent to note that children love it when their parents sit with them while doing their assignments. They tend to comprehend better with high concentration.

Read with them

This is a great way to enhance your child’s performance at school and boost confidence and self-esteem. As a parent, you can read their textbooks or notebooks while you explain better to them. Meanwhile, you can buy educational poems, novels, or handbooks that they can recite while playing at home. All of this helps keep their minds together and enhance their understanding rate.

Attend school events

This is one of the best feelings for them, to see their parents participating in school activities. No child will feel happy to see other children with their parents without his/her parent being around. Therefore, parents should endeavour to support their children by attending school events as much as they can.

Provide educational crafts and tools at  home

Providing creative tools such as art supplies, educational games, engineering project tools, and science experimental tools is a great way to keep them focused. Moreover, you can agree with me that it is way better than filling the house with video games, iPads, or turning to the TV.

Do not forget that it takes time and commitment to achieve this. You might also want to consider online learning or a learning coach.

Communicate with the teacher

It is essential to have a good communication relationship with their teachers. This will enable the teacher to discuss your child’s performances, weaknesses, and strengths to help you know which way to help.

The role of a teacher in your child’s development cannot be over-emphasized. Ensure to establish an open relationship with the teacher for your child’s good.

Help develop healthy habits

Healthy habits such as feeding well, and taking enough rest are two important factors that parents must consider greatly. This is because it contributes to the effective development of the mind and body. Moreover, a proper diet and enough rest are highly needed for proper brain development and physical fitness. Parents should endeavour that their children sleep for at least 8-11 hours daily.

Offer encouragement

Parents are the greatest support and friend a child can have. Your words of encouragement to them towards their education, assignments, and homework can help them succeed greatly. A child should not be discouraged and talked down because of poor academic performance. With the right words and guidance, your child could be best among his peers.

Listen to them and Ask questions

Listening to your child is another form of care. A parent who listens to their children can see the pain, happiness, fear, and feelings of the child. Moreover, children love it when their parents give them time to express themselves. Meanwhile, you should always ask them questions, about themselves, school, passion, favourite things etc. This will help you to know your child and the way to help him.

Types of Parental Involvement

Interestingly, there are about six (6) types of parental involvement in their child’s education and upbringing. They include:

  1. Decision Making
  2. Communicating
  3. Volunteering
  4. Learning at home
  5. Parenting
  6. Collaborating with community


This article has exclusively discussed the top 10 ways to play a part in your child’s education as a parent and every other thing in between. You can check out 10 mistakes to avoid when choosing a school, and 20 factors to look out for when choosing a school. Meanwhile, you can visit Passbuttons news desk for more of our articles. If you enjoyed reading this article, kindly drop your comments in the comment section below. You can also become a member or join us on all social media platforms using the links below:

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can parents be involved in learning?

practical ways on how parents can be actively involved in their child’s education have been exclusively discussed in this article. Kindly refer to this post to see the full article.

what are the 7 roles of parents?

parents play the following roles:

  • parents nurture their kids
  • and provide for their families
  • they protect their children from harm
  • They participate in community development
  • Kindly refer to this article for the full list

what are the 6 types of parental involvement?

the 6 types of parental involvement include:

  1. Decision making
  2. Parenting
  3. Communicating
  4. Collaborating with community
  5. Volunteering
  6. Learning at home

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