How parental expectations influence children’s academic performance

Parental expectations influence children’s academic performance either positively or negatively. While some parents compress and mount pressure on their children to conform to their parental values, others prefer to give their children absolute freedom. Which school of thought do you think is right?

It is evident that moderate and proper parental guidance improves children’s academic performance, but they don’t perform well when it is too high. At a point in time, it leads to emotional and psychological stress, creating a lot of mental, physical and social complications. How can we know that parental expectations on the children are too high? Find out in this article. 

See: ways to play a major role in your child’s education as parents

Unfortunately, the influence a parent might have on their children’s academic performance can have negative effects on their academic performance. It is said that when parents transmit a high expectation to inculcate high self-esteem and self-honour, they fail to see that most times those dreams can be unachievable. 

Previously we discussed effective parent-teacher communication strategies, the top 10 10 ways to talk to your child’s teacher and factors to consider when choosing a school for your child.

Impacts of parental expectation and students’ academic achievements

 In most cases, parental expectations influence the comparison of academic self-concept to oneself and others. Therefore, the involvement of parents in their children’s studies predicts higher academic self-concept. See the impacts of parental expectations below;

  • It enables students to receive excellent grades
  • Improved teacher morale
  • Higher student achievements
  • Better student academic performance
  • It helps students demonstrate better social skills 
  • It enables them to adapt better to school activities
  • Students whose parents are involved in school are well-behaved and have better attendance in school

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Negative effects of parental expectations

Looking at the impacts of parental expectations, there are also negative effects on the influence of parental expectations on academic performance, and these are;

  • It leads to academic pressure and stress
  • Decreased self-esteem and self-worth
  • deterioration in mental health and well-being
  • Strained parent-child relationships
  • Limitation of personal exploration and interests
  • Fear of failure and avoidance of risks
  • Lack of intrinsic motivation

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Parental expectation examples

These are examples of parental expectations in the real world that do not involve academics.

  • Good Behaviour: Parents expect that all the neighbours and family members should say positively about their child
  • Good outlook: All that they want is for everyone should be admired by their child
  • Listening to elders and respecting them
  • A Perfect Job
  • Marriage
  • Caring for them in old age


As a parent, having moderate pressure on your children’s academic performance increases their chances of performing better. In other words, having extremely high expectations negatively affects their academic performance. Do not also forget that Passbuttons has the most competent and vetted private tutors you can book for your precious children.

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What is the effect of parental influence on academic performance?

 Improving children’s self-esteem and academic performance as well as school retention and attendance.

How does the child’s parental status influence his school performance?

In this case, the higher the family’s socioeconomic status, the lower the enthusiasm for learning the children will have

What influence does parenting style have on academic performance?

Parenting style may help students acquire self-regulation and achieve academically.

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