Thursday, July 27

Top 7 High-Paying Jobs that Don’t Require a University Degree

Top 7 high-paying jobs that don’t require a university degree: University has become quite expensive and challenging! From continuous increases in tuition fees, textbooks and accommodation to the claimed extortion from the lecturers in extreme cases. Many secondary school graduates especially in Nigeria are beginning to go into apprentice because they can’t afford this rising cost of common education. It is really challenging and that is why millions of people are constantly searching for high-paying jobs that don’t require a university degree.

However, while many view a university degree as very essential to having a breakthrough in their career, others are investing their time and energy in apprenticeships and landing in the top 7 high-paying jobs that do not require a university degree to advance and earn a significant income.  After a series of careful research and sleeplessness, I found the latest top 7 high-paying jobs that don’t require a university degree at all. The most interesting thing about the majority of these jobs is that they only require vocational training, an apprenticeship, a certificate program or on-the-job training to secure a position.

Therefore, if you do not have a university degree and you are earnestly in need of a high-paying job, then this article is for you. This will post will open your eyes to numerous high-paying job opportunities that no one may have told you about.

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 About High-Paying Jobs

High-paying jobs are those jobs that people do that earn them a lot of money. It is described as “high-paying” because workers are paid handsomely to take care of some of their basic needs.

People who are living comfortably today are possibly doing something that gives them sufficient money to cater for their needs. Also, with the way prices of goods and services are fluctuating, there is much need to secure a position in one and earn a living. A university degree is not the only criterion for having a highly-paid job. In fact, it is not a barrier at all unless one makes it one.

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Why Need a High-Paying Job

The need for a high-paying job cannot be overemphasized.  Some of these reasons are outlined below:

High-Paying Jobs for a Better Salary

The major reason why most people desire a high-paying job is because of the monetary benefits. No one wants to be paid below his standards and expectations. This is the reason most people leave their place of work for another just for greener pastures. Therefore, a high-paying job entails a better salary. The salary gives the workers a feeling of satisfaction for the work done and motivates them to do more.

High-Paying Jobs for Job Security

Any worker who is skilful, experienced and dedicated towards his work deserves high pay. In other words, the worker becomes more like an asset, and the company would not want to do away with such a person. Thereby, securing that spot for high-goal achievements. A suitable candidate for a well-paid job cannot possibly threaten job stability. Any worker who is well-paid works with happiness and zeal.

High-Paying Jobs for Peace of Mind and Satisfaction

Money brings peace to the mind and satisfaction to the soul! You can imagine taking a job that can comfortably pay your bills and you still have some reserved for savings. That’s a  great feeling! It brings a sense of satisfaction and contentment. It also becomes a big motivation for the workers to bring out their best towards the growth of the organisation. See the 4 latest smart ways to get a scholarship to study abroad | 4th one will amaze you.

High-Paying Jobs to maintain your Self-respect and Dignity

A job that will attract a high salary must be a respectable one. Here, the workers render services from their heart, towards the growth of the organisation and community and this act earns them maximum respect.

Hard-earned money commands respect from family, relatives, friends and associates. Any respected person in society has a high prestige and dignity that others emulate.

High-Paying Jobs for Improvement in Health Status and Education.

Whecanble to cater for the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing, the next focus is on health care and education. Therefore, there is a higher need for a well-paid job.  maintaining a good health condition and training your children in school will not be a struggling thing to do. It is also important to note that the well-being of a family contributes to the total well-being of the entire society.

Now that you know what a high-paying job is and the importance of having one, Relax and let me take you through the journey of finding one.

Top 7 High-Paying Jobs that Don’t Require a University Degree

In order to focus on your professional development, you must be aware of different high-paying available to know the one that best fits your interest. The following are high-paying jobs that do not require a four-year degree:

Computer Programming

Computer programmers are responsible for creating, writing and testing codes that make computer applications and programs function. They have full knowledge of several programming languages such as C++, Java, etc. They can work for companies such as software developers, computer system design companies and other financial companies among others. Teach or hire a trusted tutor online to learn computer programming.

In as much as some computer programmers have bachelor’s degrees, others may only require an associate degree program with an extensive experience in coding. Programmers also take up professional courses and become certified in specific programming languages. However, these certifications will enable them to get high-paying jobs without a university degree. Indeed, computer programming is one of the top 7 high-paying jobs that don’t require a university degree.

Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents explore their potential to work for realtors or real estate agencies. They obtain their license to showcase, negotiate and sell properties to homebuyers. There are huge potential benefits in real estate depending on the market, personal experience and communication skills of the agent.

The beautiful thing about real estate is that it’s based on commission, in other words, the agent receives a specific commission for every property sold. To succeed as a real estate agent, you must love negotiations, selling and working with people. They also collaborate with other professionals in the industry such as contractors, salespersons, etc. To be a real estate agent, you may require a high school certificate and a license.

Commercial Air Traffic Pilot/Technician

This is another job that does not necessarily require a four-year university. An associate degree and a license are enough to t off as a commercial pilot. It is also very important to note the difference between a commercial pilot and a “normal”  aviator. Commercial pilots are those who work for private individuals such as highly-placed business people and also for small companies. They are not those who work for major airlines.

Therefore, if you desire this career path, on-the-the -job training and your pilot’s license are all you require. Though the license can take a few years to acquire. An advantage is that it enables you to travel more frequently to different places.

Police Officers and Detectives

Law enforcement can be an exciting and rewarding career while still being demanding and risky at the same time. They protect the citizens, catch the criminals and most times serve other cases. Educational requirements vary. Most police officers acquire a bachelor’s degree, even though by law are not legally supposed to. However, the shocking truth is that most positions require nothing beyond a high school cert. One can become a detective, a police officer and other related professions with or without a university degree whatsoever. The major thing one must do is to pass the entrance examination and complete the training, this training might take up to 6 months to 2 years depending on the requirements involved. You can download the Police entrance examination past questions and answers for free on Passbuttons. Watch the new intake of Police Cadets celebrating. Ensure to subscribe for more updates and guides.

Web Developer

This is a high-demanding job that doesn’t really require a university degree. Web developers explore their creative and technical skills to build and design websites. They work for various businesses and agencies, or better still start up their own as a freelancer. All you require is an associate degree and on-the-job training. Web development is a digital skill for young people to leverage and earn a living because the pay is great!  Teach or hire a tutor online to learn web development.


Another one of the top 7 high-paying jobs that don’t require a university degree is an electrician. They work anywhere, especially in the energy and power sector. This is a typical example of a job that does not require a university degree. It is a highly demanding job that ensures excellent job security for someone who learnt the skill. Electricians are responsible for the installation, repair and maintenance of electrical power. This they learnt by apprenticeship through on-the-job training, some may acquire technical certificates.

While some work in homes and commercial buildings, others may work as line workers and repair personnel in the field. Their earning is largely dependent on their level of experience and skill set.


You do not need a degree to be a chef. They are trained in culinary school to typically learn to prepare and cook food while following some strict safety standards. Chefs create new recipes and also improve on existing ones. They keep the customers coming by updating the menu regularly.

A high school certificate and a chef training program are all you need to become a well-paid chef. Some also take up on-the-job training in small restaurants to gain experience and mentorship. The training period is dependent on the needs of the restaurant. Chefs can also choose to specialize in various fields such as different types of dishes (Italian, French, Japanese, etc.), pastries as well as desserts. Teach or hire a tutor online to learn about food.

In these Top 7 high-paying jobs that don’t require a university degree, we have tried to cover the commonest ones though there are many other ones both for males and females. I encourage you to subscribe to this website and our channels for regular updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a High-paying Job without a University Degree?

Yes! You can get a high-paying job without a university degree.

What is the Best High paying job?

The highest-paying jobs have been extensively discussed in this article. Refer to it for a piece of better information.

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