Monitoring your child’s academic success | Best strategies

Undoubtedly, parenting today is challenging especially as the world is constantly changing. Technological innovations, living standards, job demands and a lot of other distractions have made parenting difficult. Amid endless to-do how can parents play pivotal roles in monitoring their children’s academic success? It is challenging but giving up is not an option. See how parental expectations influence children’s academic performance both positively and negatively.

It is the utmost responsibility of parents to monitor their children’s academic success. And parents who fail to do so are often seen as failed parents. Interestingly, results have shown that a greater number of children with good parental upbringing perform better in school than their peers. Some children are adamant when it comes to learning, those children tend to perform poorly in their prospective schools. When your child says “Nobody likes me” do these. 

Interestingly, in schools today, you hear the children saying “We are the leaders of tomorrow” but those are just mere words if it is not implemented. Judging by the recent happenings in today’s world, education is the key to success. Therefore, to see your children excel in their academics, this article will show you the best strategies to monitor your children’s academic success without the stress and frustration that usually comes with it. 

See: Ways to play a part in your child’s education as a parent

Best ways to educate your child

As the saying goes “Charity begins at home”. Children learn easily from their parents compared to their teachers. Here are the best ways to educate your child.

  • Use everyday experiences as learning opportunities
  • Be encouraging
  • Be realistic
  • Set an example
  • Be firm
  • Be consistent

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How to help your child succeed in school

Helping your child succeed in school is not an easy task, here are the best tips to help your child succeed at school.

Monitoring your child’s academic success

  • Regularly communicate with your child about their academic progress, challenges, and goals.
  • Actively engage with educators to understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences 
  • Establish a routine: Help your child establish a consistent study routine that includes dedicated time for homework, studying, and other academic tasks.
  • Communicate with teachers: Maintain open lines of communication with your child’s teachers.
  • Collaborate with online teachers for individualized support: if your child is still falling behind, enrol them with a proficient and skilled online or offline tutor. You can still keep in touch with the tutors.

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What strategies would you implement to help the child learner succeed academically?

Introduce your child to tricks to help them recall information. 

What are monitoring strategies in education?

Monitoring student progress includes all the ways that teachers assess student progress like quizzes, observing students as they work, asking students questions, and looking at student work.

What strategies will you use to monitor progress?

Plan out your project, Set clear goals for your project, create a steady check-in schedule, record and analyze data, and make changes to your goals if necessary.

What is a good way to monitor student progress?

By establishing clear, measurable goals, selecting appropriate assessment measures, systematising data collection, regularly assessing progress, and lastly, collaborating and communicating.

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