Parent-teacher communication | Enhancing communication for student’s success

Effective parent-teacher communication enhances collaboration and improves parental involvement in school activities. It further enhances students’ performance. But most parents hardly communicate with their children’s teachers effectively.  This causes a lot of challenges that if not properly handled could result in bullying, assault, insult, poor academic performance and lots more. These can be averted. But how? Read on to find out. 

These days, most parents don’t have effective communication with their children’s teachers. This is discouraging as they may not know how their children are faring in school and teachers may not be aware of the challenges that students must have had.

According to our findings, most parents and teachers who often engage in strong communication improve their child’s success and active learning. To avoid risking the success of your child, there is an urgent need to engage in effective communication to build better relationships between the students and their teachers. You may wish to learn the ways to talk to your child’s teacher.

Read also: How to become a successful teacher in 2024.

Interestingly, when children see how their parents communicate with their teachers, they start to engage more in school activities and try to improve because they see their teachers and parents as being good friends. However, to enhance effective parent-teacher communication, ensure the goal to achieve students’  success and not to pad things out.

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The importance of parent-teacher communication

In every parent-teacher relationship, communication is very important. See why it is important;

  1. Communication helps create an environment where parents feel informed about their children’s progress.
  2. It fosters a sense of community for the child between home and school.
  3. It makes parents focus more on teaching their children.
  4. Communication helps foster a positive relationship between parents and teachers.
  5. Communication between parents and teachers improves children’s educational experience.

Just in: Top 10 ways to play a part in your child’s education as a parent

Effective ways to communicate with parents as a teacher

As a teacher, when a child doesn’t perform well academically, it is important to talk to their parents about it. But when you don’t know what to do, apply these tips for easy communication.

  • Homework handouts and newsletters
  • Parent conferences
  • Class websites
  • Active listening
  • Pro-activeness
  • Be warm and respectful
  • Address concerns with a problem-solving approach

Don’t skip this: How to talk to your teen about their school

10 ways to communicate with parents

As a teacher, when talking to a parent who is hungry, tired, and exhausted from work, there are certain ways to communicate with them and they are;

  1. Think before you speak.
  2. Send letters home at the start of a new term.
  3. Speak to them clearly and concisely.
  4. Always be respectful and warm when talking to them for the first time. Remember, first impressions matter.
  5. Display a communication board.
  6. Display photos and displays of work.
  7. Use communication home/school books.
  8. Use tick charts to record basic information.
  9. Find and share positives about a child’s behaviour and learning experience.
  10. Keep a list of parents’ email addresses and reach out through emails.

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Parent-teacher communication is necessary to achieve a student’s success. But when it seems the workload is too much to bear as a parent due to juggling work activities and monitoring your child’s school activities for the day, hiring a professional and competent home tutor for your child will ease off the stress that comes. So join Passbuttons now for free and get a qualified tutor (online or in-person) for your child without any recruitment commission.

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How do you effectively communicate with parents as a teacher?

A little friendliness goes a long way,be warm, welcoming, and offer encouragement.

What is the importance of parent-teacher communication?

Parent-teacher communication is necessary for students’ success.

How do you communicate with parents about students’ progress?

Share positive and constructive feedback, involve students in the process, and collaborate with parents.

How does effective communication support student success?

By helping students solve problems together, asking questions between one another, and checking each other’s work. 

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